Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Urban WWOOFer: Escaping Worms!

The box of worms from my composting workshop has been under my kitchen counter for almost two weeks now (I have told two out of my four roommates of its presence). For the first week, I was afraid to open it, hoping that the worms would be happy to do their thing unbothered. When I finally opened it, half of the worms were searching an escape route! They were sitting up on the ridge between the bottom and its lid.


What if they escape?!

What if my roomie wakes up, goes to get some coffee, and steps on a blanket of crawling, slimy worms?? This could be really bad. I reclosed the lid, taped it down tightly, and stepped back. Sometimes the best (read: easiest) action is no action. So that was what I did: I waited another week before I opened the box again.

Before opening this time, I inspected carefully; no worms were crawling down the sides, so the seal must be tight. I opened the box, and a waterfall of water fell off of the lid of it. That must mean they have been working, as breaking down food wastes should produce a lot of moisture. All of the newspaper, including what had been dry at the top, was now moist. The same worms, and perhaps a few of their invited friends, were chilling at the top of the box. I had to use a butter knife to [gently] pull them out and place them back down into the box next to the compost, where all the action is meant to happen, and I reclosed.

Then I went online to look for some consolation (not shoe shopping consolation; education consolation) and after sifting through a ton of information, found this concise and well presented vermicomposting guide.

Under “troubleshooting”, I found the answer to my concern.
Problem 4 - The worms are escaping
If you are providing your worms with a happy home they will have no reason to leave and risk certain death.
Please note that worms will sometime explore their bin (lid and sides). Only if you find dead, dried up worms outside the bin is there need for concern.

Ah-ha! My worms are only interested in exploring their new home! How could I—the perpetual world wanderer—blame them? Worms will be worms, I always say, so I will let them continue their adventures…that is until the adventures take them beyond the confines of the box.

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